... were part of my creative work last weekend. Well, they have a bit different style, but sometimes it's may be better not to be tooooo artful. ;) Hochzeitskarten waren Teil meiner kreativen Werkeleien am vergangenen Wochenende. Gut, sie haben einen etwas anderen Stil, aber manchmal ist es wahrscheinlich besser, nicht zuuuuuu künstlerisch zu sein. ;)
2 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
These are so pretty. Love those hearts :)
p.s. thank you so much for leaving such a wonderful comment on my blog about the chunky atc's and about you waiting for the Workshop. Hope you like it.
2 Kommentare:
These are so pretty. Love those hearts :)
p.s. thank you so much for leaving such a wonderful comment on my blog about the chunky atc's and about you waiting for the Workshop. Hope you like it.
Die Karten sind alle toll, ich wünschte, ich hätte so schöne Karten zu unserer Hochzeit bekommen!
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